Sunday, March 05, 2006

Is there a connection between Jane and Bertha the same way as there is between Christabel and Geraldine (from Coleridge's Christabel)?

Here is some evidence/potential leads that I've come up with to help answer this query:
-Jane fears but also sympathizes with Bertha in the same way that Christabel reacts towards Geraldine.
-Bertha controls Jane more than she knows, just as Geraldine controls Christabel.
-Geraldine is a demon-lover and Bertha is as well. How much does she seduce Jane though in the manner Geraldine seduces Christabel?
-Geraldine acts out Christabel's desires just like Bertha does Jane's. For example, Christabel's repressed sexual desires for her lover are given release when she encounters Geraldine. Jane's desires for Rochester fluctuates like the secret of Bertha waiting to be revealed.
-Geraldine comforts Christabel (as a "mother with her child") and Bertha does Jane a good deed by revealing Rochester's past.

This is probably a long stretch, but do you think Jane ever ventured secretly to Bertha's room? Do you think there could have been any licentious relationship between them (just like one between Christabel and Geraldine) that is not recorded in the novel?

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