Sunday, February 19, 2006 it just me or WHY am I having such a HARD time trying to understand Romantic Poetry?

We are reading the Wordsworths' work now, and yet I just can't seem to find them sensual enough the way people say they are supposed to be *confused scowl*
Now give me Milton any day and not only will my brains be put in a torture chamber, but I can at least find his works as sensual as he deemed them to be.

BUT NOT WORDSWORTH's! I don't know if this is a failing in me. I don't know if I should read more of his poems in order to appreciate his varied tastes. I even read the Lucy poems and I still don't find them captivating. Maybe I should wait till I read Blake and Byron and the rest to understand Wordsworth. Still..I just can't see what all the fuss is about him.

Any Wordsworth fan can care to help elucidate me on the merits of this (*ahem*) genius?!

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