Sunday, April 16, 2006

Catalog of Bronte dogs

Here's what I can recall so far:

From the Bronte family:
Emily Bronte's Grasper and Keeper
Anne Bronte's Flossy

From Jane Eyre:
Mr Rochester's Pilot
St. John Rivers' Carlo

From Wuthering Heights:
The Lintons' Gnasher and Wolf

From Agnes Grey:
The Murrays' Snap

From Tenant of Wildfell Hall:
Mr Huntingdon's Dash

From Shirley:
Shirley Keeldar's Tartar


mysticgypsy said...

Hi Frankengirl!!
Thanks for the comment! I will *definitly* look into getting a hold of this version! interesting perspective as Heathcliff as a victim (as much as I talk about it, I'd like to see a director's take on this).

I am really glad you liked my madlib!! :D
And thanks for recommending another Bronte fan! Yay for Charlotte! Her birthday's in a few days from now too!:)

mysticgypsy said...

aww :) Thanks Frankengirl!

I just ordered this version from the library and hope it arrives soon!! Yay for Interlibrary Loan!!

(um.. and got a little carried away with ordering more Bronte videos too *shifs eyes sheepishly*)

mysticgypsy said...

Hi Frankengirl!
The good dogs are:
Actually, all the dogs except Gnasher and Wolf, are good and the protagonists supported them.
All the Bronte children loved animals very much and defended them when possible. This is very prominent in Anne's work.
Emily too loved her dogs (not surprisingly, Wuthering Heights has to be so different, eh?)

mysticgypsy said...

Hi there!:D
For now, I put in requests for Tenant of Wildfell Hall (the 1996 version which I have not seen), and Zaferrelli's Jane Eyre (had the impulse to indulge in some visual JE therapy).

I was desperately trying to search for the 1973 Jane Eyre (that Bronteana readers highly esteem)but couldn't find it anywhere :\

mysticgypsy said...

hehe! Apparently the 1973 one was never released in video officially. :/