Sunday, October 16, 2005

Let me just say: it makes me really happy to see two people in love.
Like today, I was feeling groggy at having to wake up *relatively* early and all...and I was kind of sulky but then I saw these two people so into each other-its more than the "they are making out with each other all over" kinda thing...its just that both of them seem so happy, its like their faces lighten up, and they look so hopeful, as if life couldn't get any more beautiful =).

Thank God for Love. Thank God it exists. Thank God we all feel its affects.

Love does not come in a box: it transcends all kinds of boundaries, which is more reason why it is so powerful and all the more special. The best part, its free!

Having said all that, I think the trouble only comes when you want more out of love from the other person. Other than that, we can all love to any lengths.

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