Wednesday, January 11, 2006

*The honesty of kids is admirable. Really.
If they want something, they'll tell you. If they don't like someone, they'll tell them in their face, then they would be encouraged to talk and make up and come to a compromise. If they find that their friend is mean to them, they go and find some other friends to hang out with. The kids tell you if you are nice if you are nice. They tell you you are wrong if you are wrong. Then you realize your own mistakes and learn.

*The feeling when a kid holds your hand.
The ground was icy and I didn't have my boots on and kept slipping, barely saving myself from a fall or two. Then a kid comes, and he's half my height. He holds my hands, looks up into my eyes and tells me that he'll walk with me, that he'll hold my hand so that I won't fall.

*The innocence of young children
Talking to kids is tons more entertaining than talking to many of the adults I come into contact with. The kids' stories are exciting, filled with wonder and questions. The also have a different way of analyzing the world that is fascinating. Now compare that to some adults who don't tax their God-given brains enough, who are comfortable wasting their time with what is superficial and worldly. I'd choose a kid any day.

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