Saturday, January 14, 2006

This is really frustrating! So I was in Barnes and Nobles an hour ago trying to look for some kind of Bronte poetry book. And I found none! Then I looked in the fiction aisle and found Jane Eyre, Villette, Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey. They left Tenent of Wildfell Hall out again, and there was NONE of Emily's poetry! Yeah..I love Anne's poetry more but most people seem to like Emily's. Even so, I couldn't find any of their poetry in the bookstore.

I just don't understand this. The Brontes are supposed to be THE most FAMOUS literary family in the world and yet, so little of their works are available in the bookstores. Why??? What the hell is wrong with people? Do they not care for solitude, passion, truth, courage and beauty? If they do, then why leave out the Brontes' poetry? Why are people just NOT listening to the Brontes' voices?

"But thou, poor solitary dove,/Must make, unheard, thy joyless moan;" like Anne says in the "Captive Dove", the Brontes' voices don't seem to be heard by a lot people these days...

"The heart that Nature formed to love/Must pine, neglected, and alone." this line from the same poem by Anne, I think, applies to people in general. If people don't know about Bronte, if they don't learn to appreciate Bronte, then they will "pine, neglected and alone" because they will never know about integral parts of their natures.

As for me, it looks like I just have to order some copy of the poems online since the library is closed as well. But it would have been lovely to have had a chance to snuggle up with Bronte poem tonight :(

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